Thank you all for joining our August Chess Tournament at Blue parrot!
It was a blast!
Don’t hesitate to check our upcoming camps and tournaments!
As usual you can find all the tournament pictures and videos on Google Photos:
>> link to google photos <<
Trophies & Medals
👑 Tournament podium 👑
🏆 1st: Menachem (Mendy) Mendel Raviv
🏆 2nd: Aiden Choi
🏆 3rd: Supridi (Dee) Ampornklinkeaw
Note: The winner of the tie break for the 1st place (5min + 3sec/move) was Mendy
🌟 U6 category 🌟
🥇 1st: Nasutee (Tee) Jaruphongsa
🥈 2nd: Jaian Sharma
🌟 U8 category 🌟
🥇 1st: Evie Choi
🥈 2nd: Shuoshuo Qiu
🥉 3rd: Alexei Yeagershporin
🌟 U10 category 🌟
🥇 1st: Itamar Katzer
🥈 2nd: M’Aloh Dushime
🥉 3rd: Supanat (Krit) Teeraprawatekul
🌟 U12 category 🌟
🥇 1st: Kavin Nair
🥈 2nd: Pheemmapat (Mickey) Siripanichwattana
🥉 3rd: Marius Delpech
U6 = born before 1st January 2017
U8 = born before 1st January 2015
U10 = born before 1st January 2013
U12 = born before 1st January 2011
Tournament crosstable after Round 7
Best tournament performances
♟️ The Happy Pawn elo rating is based on the official elo ranking algorithm and applies exclusively to the over-the-board Happy Pawn tournaments.
♟️ You can see our leaderboard there:
♟️ If you want more details about the calculation method and all the data used you can contact us.
Evie winner of U8 category did an amazing tournament showing us some beautiful games. Even losing a game on time against one of the favorite of the tournament Evie succeeded to finish with 5 points out of 7, equal with the 3rd place. Congratulations Evie for your good games and positive spirit!
Despites a difficult last 3 rounds M’Aloh shown great games, defeating Evie in round 1 and ending up 13th of the tournament! Congratulations again for your performance and for your fast improvements! Keep it up!
Tournament Team
Sébastien Ferrand
Alexandre Lambrescak
21/1 Soi Meksawat, Yen Akat Rd, Yenakart, Bangkok 10120
Note: parking spot available 50 meters away